Employment Opportunities

We employ a diverse population of employees from Customer Service Representatives to Mechanics to Meter Readers to Accountants at each of our companies. Fifty percent of our employees have over ten years of service with us. We are proud of that statistic! However, this also shows in the amount of job openings available.

When employment opportunities do occur, these openings are typically advertised through online jobsites or specific trade publications. All interested persons can download and print an application. Completed applications can be mailed to P.O. Box 96016, Baton Rouge, LA 70896-9016.

We maintain applications on file for one year. We review each resume for the skills and experience necessary to be hired to any openings that come available within that time period.

Baton Rouge Water Company Customer Service

Our friendly Customer Service Department offers a wide variety of services that are available to you at your fingertips.

Questions about your service or Baton Rouge Water Company? We've got answers.